Adds styled regions at specified position into List.
function GetStyleList(CurPos: integer; List: TStyleEntries; Flags: integer; IncludeLine: Boolean): integer; virtual;
Use GetStyleList to get styled regions at the specified position. GetStyleList adds objects of TStyleEntry class into the List.
Result value of the GetStyleList points to the nearest position at which display style will be changed.
Flags specifies syntax objects to be analyzed to detect styled regions. Possible values of flags:
Constant |
Meaning |
sub-lexer's styles (TSubLexerRange) | |
text range's styles (TTextRange) | |
token's style (TSyntToken) | |
dynamically highlighted text range's styles | |
user range's styles (TUserRange) | |
styles added by the OnGetStyleEntry | |
search mark style | |
all styles | |
printable styles (without slDynoRange, slSearchMarks) | |
exportable styles (without slDynoRange, slSearchMarks) |
TStyleEntry contains style information about text region. StartPos and EndPos specify bound of the text region that has Style. IsDynoStyle specifies whether style must be applied to the Canvas after line highlighting.
Include line parameter specifies whether line styles should be added to list.
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