EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TClientSyntAnalyzer Class

Performs syntactical analysis for a single client of the TSyntAnalyzer component.

TClientSyntAnalyzer = class(TParserResults);


TClientSyntAnalyzer object is created for any client of TSyntAnalyzer component in TSyntAnalyzer.AddClient function. 

TClientSyntAnalyzer implements analyzing loop that calls GetToken and SelectTokenFormat methods of the TSyntAnalyzer. TClientSyntAnalyzer stores all results of syntactical analysis in arrays within self. 

You can access these objects through properties of the TClientSyntAnalyzer object. 


To get events of the syntactical analyzer you have to implement IecSyntClient interface in your class and client in TCustomSyntaxMemo or TSyntTextSource depending on what object is a container of analyzer. 


To get reference to TClientSyntAnalyzer object use properties TCustomSyntaxMemo.SyntObj or TSyntTextSource.SyntObj.

The methods of the TParserResults class are listed here. 
The properties of the TParserResults class are listed here. 
TClientSyntAnalyzer Class
The methods of the TClientSyntAnalyzer class are listed here. 
The properties of the TClientSyntAnalyzer class are listed here. 
read only 
TParserResults Methods 
Returns active analyzer at the specified position. 
Apply states modifiers of rule. 
Destroys all results of syntactical analysis. 
Closes text ranges at end of text. 
Creates and initializes a TParserResults instance. 
Destroys an instance of TParserResults. 
Performs operations at the end of syntactical analysis. 
Returns parser states flags at token position TokenIndex. 
Restores parser state to be valid for current token buffer. 
Saves changes of parser state. 
TClientSyntAnalyzer Class
TClientSyntAnalyzer Class 
Adds new line separator. 
Adds new text range. 
Performs syntactical analysis of whole text. 
Forces syntactical analysis to specified position. 
Destroys all syntactical results for text from specified position. 
Destroys all results of syntactical analysis. 
Closes text ranges at end of text. 
Closes text range that refers to end block rule Cond. 
Completes syntactical analysis without resting current state of analyzer. 
Creates and initializes a TClientSyntAnalyzer instance. 
Add new line break. 
Destroys an instance of TClientSyntAnalyzer. 
Detects tag and update token type. 
Performs operations at the end of syntactical analysis. 
Returns text to be inserted when auto closing opened text range. 
Returns a formatted string assembled from a collapsed text icon formatting string. 
Returns bounds of text range to be collapsed. 
Returns line separator for the specified line index. 
Returns line highlighting attributes for the specified line index. 
Returns folding state for the specified line index. 
Returns nearest collapsible text range. Used by smCollapse command. 
Returns text range that starts at the specified line. 
Returns text range bounds. 
Formatting string is defined in Range.Rule.GroupFmt property. Indexing reference points are defined by the Range.

See "Name formatting" to get more information. 
Returns a formatted string assembled from a name formatting string. 
Retrieves text range styles at the specified position. 
Returns first and last line of the Staple. 
Returns list of staples which passes the Line. 
Retrieves token style at the specified position. 
Tests whether there is opened text range with specified rule. 
Turns on idle syntactical analysis. 
Starts idle syntactical analysis. 
Checks wether Rule is enabled for the current analyzing position. 
Locks meta-data (parser results) modification. 
Returns nearest (i.e. top level) text range that contains position APos. 
Returns index of nearest (i.e. top level) text range that contains position APos. 
Returns index of token which contains position Pos or placed after it. 
Returns index of token which contains position Pos or placed before it. 
Returns text range that starts at specified position. 
Formats string FmtStr for specified text range. See Name formatting (for block rules) topic to get more information about range names formatting. 
Returns index of text range which starts at position APos. 
Resets (set to -1) XPos of all staples. 
Called when caret position is changed. 
Returns index of the token at the specified position. 
Forces syntactical analysis to specified position. 
Unlocks meta-data (parser results) modification. 
Updates dynamically highlighted objects. 
TParserResults Properties 
Indicates whether syntactical analysis of the whole text is finished
Indicates Owner of the analyzer object. 
Current parser state. 
Indicates the number of sub-lexer ranges in the list that are in use. 
Provides indexed access to sub-lexer ranges. 
Indicates tokens count. 
Provides indexed access to tokens. 
Provides indexed access to token strings. 
TClientSyntAnalyzer Class
TClientSyntAnalyzer Class 
Disable idle analysis of the text. 
Indicates number of opened text ranges. 
Provides indexed access to opened ranges. 
Indicates all text ranges count. 
Provides indexed access to all text ranges. 
Returns position of tag in text. 
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