EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TParamCompletion Class

Hint tool which shows possible parameters for the function.

TParamCompletion = class(TSyntMemoPopup, IecTextClient, IecSyntMemoClient);


Displays hint window with appropriate parameters for current function. 

Each item of parameter completion corresponds to single overloaded version of the function. Each item may contain different number of parameters. Items should be filled in OnGetParams or OnGetParamsEx event handlers. Use AddItem method to add new item which may contain several lines and ItemCount function to get number of items. 


Separator, TerminateChar, CloseChar, OpenChar properties specify characters used to parser function parameters. When UseParserResults is True parameters are processed as tokens, so you should ensure that corresponding tokens are of length equal to 1 character. 


There are two modes to parse function name. In simple mode single function name extracted and passed to OnGetParams event handler. In complex mode multiple names are extracted using rules FuncPathRule and FuncNameRule and passed to OnGetParamsEx event handler. 


There is ability to display up-down control to scroll items, see UpDownSwitch, UpDownOrientation, UpDownWidth

To enable/disable items filtration set FilterItems property. 


There is ability of complex items formatting using properties: FmtEnable, FmtImages, FmtSelEndImage, FmtSelParamStyleIndex, FmtSelStartImage, FmtStyles. In this case, each parameter should be surrounded by the /X/ formatting tag.

The methods of the TPopupControl class are listed here. 
The properties of the TPopupControl class are listed here. 
The events of the TPopupControl class are listed here. 
IecCommandHook Interface
The methods of the IecCommandHook class are listed here. 
TSyntMemoPopup Class
The methods of the TSyntMemoPopup class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntMemoPopup class are listed here. 
IecSyntMemoClient Interface
The methods of the IecSyntMemoClient class are listed here. 
IecTextClient Interface
The methods of the IecTextClient class are listed here. 
TParamCompletion Class
The methods of the TParamCompletion class are listed here. 
The properties of the TParamCompletion class are listed here. 
The events of the TParamCompletion class are listed here. 
read only 
TPopupControl Events 
Occurs when popup control is closing. 
Occurs when selection in popup control is changed. 
Occurs immediately after showing popup control. 
Occurs before showing popup control after calculating popup layout. 
Occurs before showing popup control. 
TParamCompletion Class
TParamCompletion Class 
Occurs before showing parameter hint to update items list. 
Occurs before showing parameter hint to update items list. 
TPopupControl Methods 
Calculates size and position of popup control. 
Returns True if the popup control can be shown. 
Closes popup window. 
Creates and initializes a TPopupControl instance. 
Destroys an instance of TPopupControl. 
Called when closing popup control. Accept specifies whether user selection in popup control should be accepted. 
Called immediately after showing popup control. 
Returns actual position of popup window. 
Calculates size of popup control. 
Called when selection in popup control is changed. 
Window procedure of the parent form. 
Window procedure of the parent window. 
Window procedure of the popup window. 
Posts internal message which will call ItemChanged method in some time. 
Recalculates size and position of popup control. 
Shows popup control around selected rectangle area. 
IecCommandHook Interface
IecCommandHook Interface 
Called after execution in syntax memo. 
Called before execution in syntax memo. 
Called to test wether command is enabled. 
TSyntMemoPopup Class
TSyntMemoPopup Class 
Executes syntax memo plug-in. 
Shows popup window under character at specified position in the syntax memo. 
IecSyntMemoClient Interface
IecSyntMemoClient Interface 
Is called when caret position is changed. 
IecTextClient Interface
IecTextClient Interface 
Called after text have been changed. 
TParamCompletion Class
TParamCompletion Class 
Adds single item (function entry) to the items list. Item string may contain line break characters, in this case this item will occupy several lines.
It is recommended to use this function instead of adding directly to the Items list. 
Creates and initializes a TParamCompletion instance. 
Destroys an instance of TParamCompletion. 
Executes syntax memo plug-in. 
Executes parameter hint at specified position in text. 
Calculates size of popup control. 
Called when selection in popup control is changed. 
Returns number of items. Number of items may be less than Items.Count because, some items may occupy several lines. 
Window procedure of the parent window. 
Shows parameter hint at specified position in text. 
TPopupControl Properties 
Specifies rectangle area around which popup control was shown. 
Specifies whether popup control is closing. 
Specifies the size constraints for the popup control. 
Specifies popup container control. 
Collection of additional controls added to popup container. 
Specifies height of popup control. 
Specifies conditional position of popup control. 
Specifies the minimal preferable width of the popup control. 
Parent window. 
Specifies popup control. 
Specifies whether popup control should drop shadow (XP and higher). 
Specifies whether user may change size of the popup control. 
Specifies tool hint window. 
Indicates whether popup window is visible. 
Specifies width of popup control. 
TSyntMemoPopup Class
TSyntMemoPopup Class 
Specifies identifier of the syntax memo command which will fire popup tool execution. 
Specifies editor to which popup control is linked. 
TParamCompletion Class
TParamCompletion Class 
Specifies mode of the parameter hint tool. 
Character that closes function, default - ')' 
Specifies color of the hint window. 
Specifies identifier of the syntax memo command which will fire popup tool execution. 
Specifies the size constraints for the popup control. 
Collection of additional controls added to popup container. 
Character that is used as parameters delimiter in the hint items, default - ';' 
Specifies delay between moment when hint may be displayed and showing of the hint. 
Specifies whether parameters hint has to be displayed automatically when user types text. 
Specifies whether items should be filtered when user input parameters. 
Specifies whether items should be processed as formatted items. 
Specifies images to be used for custom items formatting. 
Specifies image which will be displayed at the end of current parameter. 
Specifies style index which will be used to format current parameter. 
Specifies image which will be displayed at the start of current parameter. 
Specifies display styles to be used for custom items formatting. 
Specifies font of the hint window. 
Specifies grammar rule name which is associated with single function name in the chain. 
Specifies grammar rule name which is associated with whole chain of function names. 
List of hints for the current function. 
Specifies conditional position of popup control. 
Specifies the minimal preferable width of the popup control. 
Occurs before showing popup control after calculating popup layout. 
Occurs before showing popup control. 
Occurs when selection in popup control is changed. 
Occurs when popup control is closing. 
Occurs immediately after showing popup control. 
Character that opens function parameters, default - '(' 
Currently edited parameter. 
Specifies currently selected item. 
Character that is used as parameters delimiter in the text, default - ',' 
Specifies pen properties of separator line between items. 
Specifies whether popup control should drop shadow (XP and higher). 
Specifies editor to which popup control is linked. 
Character that terminates search (operator delimiter), default - ';' 
Specifies tool hint window. 
Specifies orientation of Up-Down control. 
Specifies whether Up-Down switch should be used to scroll items displayed in parameter hint window. To get/set currently visible item use Selected property. 
Specifies width of the Up-Down control. 
Specifies whether internal scanner has to use tokens instead of characters scanning. 
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