EControl Syntax Editor SDK
ecPopupCtrl Namespace

This is namespace ecPopupCtrl.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
Hint window managed by the associated popup control. 
In the editor, auto-completion displays a resizable pop-up list box that lists elements which can be selected and added to the text. 
Displays popup grid with characters of the current character set. 
Hint tool which shows possible parameters for the function. 
In the editor, auto-completion displays a resizable pop-up list box that lists elements which can be selected and added to the text. 
Base class of the popup control components. 
Collection of controls added to popup container. 
Implements base functionality of syntax memo popup tools. 
Holds Control of the popup container. 
Base class of Syntax memo popup tools that use list box as popup control. 
Code templates plug-in. 
Base class of Syntax memo popup tools that use list box as popup control and supports items formatting. 
Registers control class to be used by the TecControlItem, i.e. to be integrated into popup control. 
Struct, Record, Enum 
Filter type of TAutoCompletePopup component. 
Options of TAutoCompletePopup component. 
Specifies conditional position of popup control. 
Specifies items sorting type in auto-completion list. 
Specifies template items sort type. 
This procedural type is used by the TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList.OnAcceptListItem Event 
This procedural type is used by the TPopupControl.OnAdjustPopupPos Event 
Options of TAutoCompletePopup component. 
This procedural type is used by the TPopupControl.OnCanShow Event 
This procedural type is used by the TPopupControl.OnCloseUp Event
This procedural type is used by the TecControlCollection.OnControlCreated and TecControlCollection.OnControlDestroyed event. 
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnAfterComplete event. 
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnBeforeComplete event. 
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnGetFilterString Event
This procedural type is used by the TTemplatePopup.OnBeforeInsertTemplate event. 
Code template options. See TTemplatePopup.Options
This procedural type is used by the TParamCompletion.OnGetParamsEx event. 
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnDefineStartPos event. 
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnSortItems Event
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnFilter event. 
This procedural type is used by the TAutoCompletePopup.OnGetAutoCompleteList event. 
This procedural type is used by the TParamCompletion.OnGetParams event. 
Lists classes registered by RegisterPopupControlClass procedure. 
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