EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TSortedList Class
TSortedList = class;


Sorted list. List of TSortedItem objects.

The methods of the TSortedList class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSortedList class are listed here. 
read only 
TSortedList Methods 
Adds new item. Returns index at which the item was inserted. 
Removes all items. 
OwnObjects specifies whether objects will be destroyed after removing from the list. 
Removes item at the specified index. 
The destructor frees all resources allocated by the current object. 
Returns item with the specified identifier Pos. 
Returns index of the item with the specified identifier Pos. If there is not item with Pos identifier result value is -1. 
Returns index of the item position of which is less or equal to Pos. 
Removes specified item from the list. 
TSortedList Properties 
Number of items in the list. 
Lists the object references.
Use Items to obtain a pointer to a specific object in the array. The Index parameter indicates the index of the object, where 0 is the index of the first object, 1 is the index of the second object, and so on. Set Items to change the reference at a specific location.
Use Items with the Count property to iterate through all of the objects in the list. 
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