EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TSyntKeyMapping.IsHandledCmd Method

Returns command ID of a command containing a keystroke which matches KeyQueue and contains maximum amount of shortcuts.

function IsHandledCmd(KeyQueue: TKeyQueue): integer;

IsHandled method looks through all Items and all keystrokes in this items to find a keystoke with a maximum amount of shortcuts. isHandled method returns ID of the command containing such a keystroke. 

For example, if KeyQueue contains three shortcuts:"Esc+Esc+Esc" and Items property contains item with following keystrokes matching KeyQueue: "Esc", "Esc+Esc" and "Esc+Esc+Esc", IsHandled method returns ID of a command, containing "Esc+Esc+Esc" keystroke. 

If no item with a keystroke matching KeyQueue found method returns 0.

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