EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TSyntaxDropDownList Class

Drop-down popup list used to select items for TCustomSyntaxComboBox control.

TSyntaxDropDownList = class(TCustomAutoCompletePopup);


The methods of the TPopupControl class are listed here. 
The properties of the TPopupControl class are listed here. 
The events of the TPopupControl class are listed here. 
IecCommandHook Interface
The methods of the IecCommandHook class are listed here. 
TSyntMemoPopup Class
The methods of the TSyntMemoPopup class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntMemoPopup class are listed here. 
TSyntMemoPopupList Class
The methods of the TSyntMemoPopupList class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntMemoPopupList class are listed here. 
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class
The methods of the TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList class are listed here. 
The properties of the TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList class are listed here. 
The events of the TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList class are listed here. 
IecSyntMemoClient Interface
The methods of the IecSyntMemoClient class are listed here. 
IecTextClient Interface
The methods of the IecTextClient class are listed here. 
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class
The methods of the TCustomAutoCompletePopup class are listed here. 
The properties of the TCustomAutoCompletePopup class are listed here. 
The events of the TCustomAutoCompletePopup class are listed here. 
TSyntaxDropDownList Class
The methods of the TSyntaxDropDownList class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntaxDropDownList class are listed here. 
read only 
TPopupControl Events 
Occurs when popup control is closing. 
Occurs when selection in popup control is changed. 
Occurs immediately after showing popup control. 
Occurs before showing popup control after calculating popup layout. 
Occurs before showing popup control. 
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class 
Called after user selected item in popup list. 
Occurs when sorting items. 
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class 
Occurs after inserting auto-complete item in the editor's text. 
Occurs before inserting auto-complete item in the editor's text. 
Occurs after checking some character whether it is a word character. 
Occurs before showing auto-complete list. 
Called for each item in completion list when filtering. 
Occurs before auto-complete list box is displayed. 
Occurs when getting filter from editor text. 
Occurs when users press a single character key when auto-complete list is active. 
TPopupControl Methods 
Calculates size and position of popup control. 
Returns True if the popup control can be shown. 
Closes popup window. 
Creates and initializes a TPopupControl instance. 
Destroys an instance of TPopupControl. 
Called when closing popup control. Accept specifies whether user selection in popup control should be accepted. 
Called immediately after showing popup control. 
Returns actual position of popup window. 
Calculates size of popup control. 
Called when selection in popup control is changed. 
Window procedure of the parent form. 
Window procedure of the parent window. 
Window procedure of the popup window. 
Posts internal message which will call ItemChanged method in some time. 
Recalculates size and position of popup control. 
Shows popup control around selected rectangle area. 
IecCommandHook Interface
IecCommandHook Interface 
Called after execution in syntax memo. 
Called before execution in syntax memo. 
Called to test wether command is enabled. 
TSyntMemoPopup Class
TSyntMemoPopup Class 
Executes syntax memo plug-in. 
Shows popup window under character at specified position in the syntax memo. 
TSyntMemoPopupList Class
TSyntMemoPopupList Class 
Called when list item is selected in popup list box. 
Creates and initializes a TSyntMemoPopupList instance. 
Called when closing popup control. Accept specifies whether user selection in popup control should be accepted. 
Window procedure of the parent window. 
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class 
Called when list item is selected in popup list box. 
Creates and initializes a TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList instance. 
Destroys an instance of TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList. 
Prepares and fill list box items. 
Filters items. 
Returns Item text associated with the list item 
Calculates size of popup control. 
Returns completion item index, i.e. index in Items array, by specified index of item in the popup list box. 
Forwards notification messages to all owned components. 
IecSyntMemoClient Interface
IecSyntMemoClient Interface 
Is called when caret position is changed. 
IecTextClient Interface
IecTextClient Interface 
Called after text have been changed. 
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class 
Called when list item is selected in popup list box. 
Creates and initializes a TCustomAutoCompletePopup instance. 
Destroys an instance of TCustomAutoCompletePopup. 
Updates completion items before showing popup. 
Immediately displays auto-complete pop-up list box. 
Defines whether item with index Item has to be removed from list. 
Filters items. 
Detects completion start position. 
Detects whether character is part of completion string. 
Window procedure of the parent window. 
Shows auto-complete popup control. 
TSyntaxDropDownList Class
TSyntaxDropDownList Class 
This is AcceptValue, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
Creates and initializes a TSyntaxDropDownList instance. 
Shows itself. 
This is IsValidChar, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is ItemChanged, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
TPopupControl Properties 
Specifies rectangle area around which popup control was shown. 
Specifies whether popup control is closing. 
Specifies the size constraints for the popup control. 
Specifies popup container control. 
Collection of additional controls added to popup container. 
Specifies height of popup control. 
Specifies conditional position of popup control. 
Specifies the minimal preferable width of the popup control. 
Parent window. 
Specifies popup control. 
Specifies whether popup control should drop shadow (XP and higher). 
Specifies whether user may change size of the popup control. 
Specifies tool hint window. 
Indicates whether popup window is visible. 
Specifies width of popup control. 
TSyntMemoPopup Class
TSyntMemoPopup Class 
Specifies identifier of the syntax memo command which will fire popup tool execution. 
Specifies editor to which popup control is linked. 
TSyntMemoPopupList Class
TSyntMemoPopupList Class 
Specifies whether list item should be automatically selected when mouse moving over it. 
Specifies background color of popup list box. 
Specifies the maximum number of items displayed in the pop-up list. 
Specifies font of popup list box. 
Determines whether the list box displays the partial items. 
Specifies the height in pixels of an item in an owner-draw list box. 
Popup list box reference. 
Determines whether the list box is standard or owner-draw and whether it is virtual. 
Specifies whether item in popup list box should be accepted on double mouse click. 
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class
TFormattedSyntMemoPopupList Class 
Specifies whether width of the popup list box should fit list items. 
Specifies additional space between columns. 
Strings that used to draw pop-up list box items. 
Specifies whether item heights are fixed. 
Enable horizontal scroll bar in list control. 
Specifies image list which is used to format display items. 
Specifies the ordinal number of the selected item in the list box’s item list. 
Specifies a list of auto-completion items. 
Specifies items sort type in auto-completion list. 
Specifies styles holder. 
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class
TCustomAutoCompletePopup Class 
Specifies duration of the pause between input of StartString and execution of autocompletion. 
Specifies whether autocompletion has to be automatically executed on user input. 
Specifies type of filtration. 
Specifies options of auto-complete popup control. 
Specifies regular expression to test user input to activate code completion. 
Specifies start position for the completion. Start position is the caret position of word start or the current position where auto-completion result will be inserted. 
User text input string that starts auto-completion. 
TSyntaxDropDownList Class
TSyntaxDropDownList Class 
This is AutoSelect, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is AutoSize, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is BgColor, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is ColumnSpace, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Constraints, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Controls, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Delay, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is DisplayItems, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is DropDownCount, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Enabled, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is FilterType, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is FixedItemHeight, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Font, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Height, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Images, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is IntegralHeight, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is ItemHeight, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Items, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is LayoutSide, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is MinMaxWidth, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnAcceptListItem, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnAdjustPopupPos, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnAfterComplete, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnBeforeComplete, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnChange, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnCheckChar, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnCloseUp, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnDefineStartPos, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnFilter, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnGetAutoCompleteList, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnGetFilterString, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnKeyPress, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnlyDblClick, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnShow, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is OnSortItems, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Options, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Shadow, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Sizable, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is SortType, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is StartExpr, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is StartString, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Styles, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is ToolHint, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
This is Width, a member of class TSyntaxDropDownList. 
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