EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TTagBlockCondition Class Members
TSyntCollectionItem Methods
TSyntCollectionItem Methods 
Creates and initializes a TSyntCollectionItem instance. 
Indicates whether rule is invalid. 
Returns initial name of the collection item. 
Initializes the item after the lexer has been read into memory. 
TTagBlockCondition Class
TTagBlockCondition Class 
Tests token current sequence for satisfying this block rule. 
Specifies offset of conditions testing from the end of tokens sequence. 
Creates and initializes a TTagBlockCondition instance. 
Destroys an instance of TTagBlockCondition. 
Returns initial name of the collection item. 
Initializes the item after the lexer has been read into memory. 
The methods of the TSyntCollectionItem class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntCollectionItem class are listed here. 
TRuleCollectionItem Class
The properties of the TRuleCollectionItem class are listed here. 
TTagBlockCondition Class
The methods of the TTagBlockCondition class are listed here. 
The properties of the TTagBlockCondition class are listed here. 
The events of the TTagBlockCondition class are listed here. 
TSyntCollectionItem Properties
TSyntCollectionItem Properties 
Specifies the name of the collection item. 
Controls whether the style or rule is used in syntactical analysis. 
Indicates whether rule is invalid. 
TRuleCollectionItem Class
TRuleCollectionItem Class 
Specifies whether rule is active in nested lexers. 
Specifies a rule of parent text range to test. 
Specifies a rule of parent text range to test. 
Specifies whether parent text range condition must be inverted. 
Specifies which state must be absent in current parser state. 
Specifies which states should be added to current parser states. 
Specifies which states must be present in current parser state. 
Specifies which states should be removed from current parser states. 
Specifies whether Block is rule of the immediate parent text range. 
Specifies a style associated with the rule. 
Specifies a style associated with the rule. 
Returns owner of the rule. 
TTagBlockCondition Class
TTagBlockCondition Class 
Internal opened ranges are closed when closing the text range of this rule. 
Specifies how to perform auto-closing opened text ranges. 
Specifies text which is used to auto-close opened text ranges. 
Specifies an associated block rule that closes (opens) text range. 
Specifies an associated block rule that closes (opens) text range. 
Specifies offset of text range bound from the indexing reference point. 
Specifies action after successful conditions testing. 
Breaks block rules test loop. 
Specifies formatting string for the collapsed icon text. 
Collection of conditions to test token sequence. 
Specifies whether text range associated with this rule may be displayed in TSyntaxTreeView. 
Specifies whether block staple may be displayed at the left side of the text range. 
Specifies what parts of the text range may be highlighted. 
Specifies whether only nearest text range of the rule may be highlighted. 
Specifies whether opened text ranges must be closed when syntactical analysis reaches the end of text. 
Specifies name of the grammar rule which is used instead of conditions. 
Specifies formatting string for the group name. 
Specifies group index that is used to filter ext ranges in the syntax tree view. 
Specifies whether line highlighting mode is used. 
Specifies caret position when text range is highlighted. 
Specifies index of the identifying token relatively to the indexing reference point. 
Ignores text ranges of this rule to be checked as parent range. 
Specifies whether style of the marked block (selected block) will be formed from the text range's style with inverted colors. 
Specifies position of the line separator. 
Specifies formatting string for the text range name. 
Specifies whether text range should be closed immediately after opening. 
Specifies whether text range may be collapsed. 
Specifies Pen object associated with rule. 
Specifies position of indexing reference point. 
Specifies whether ending block rule must compare identifying tokens to close text range. 
Specifies whether rule should close previously opened text range before opening new text range. 
Specifies token type to assigned in identifier token. 
Specifies image index for the group tree nodes. 
Specifies name of the style used to render group tree nodes. 
Specifies style used to render group tree nodes. 
Specifies image index for the tree nodes. 
Specifies style used to render tree nodes. 
Specifies name of the style used to render tree nodes. 
Specifies whether Pen property may be used. 
TTagBlockCondition Events
TTagBlockCondition Class
TTagBlockCondition Class 
Occurs after block rule is tested. 
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