EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TLoadableComponent Methods
TLoadableComponent Methods
TLoadableComponent Methods 
Loads component resource from file. 
Loads component from resource identified by ResID. 
Loads component from resource identified by ResName. 
Loads component resource from stream. 
Saves component resource to file. 
Saves component resource to stream. 
Allows to avoid name conflict when loading component resource. 
TSyntAnalyzer Class
TSyntAnalyzer Class 
Adds new client. 
Adds new mater lexer. 
Called when properties of TSyntAnalyzer may have been changed. 
Clears all formatting information in all clients. 
Creates and initializes a TSyntAnalyzer instance. 
Displays "Syntax Highlighting" dialog. 
Displays "Syntax Lexer" dialog. 
Destroys an instance of TSyntAnalyzer. 
Tests token rules on the text (Source) at particular position (APos). 
Tests only "tag detector" block rules on the text (Source) for the current tokens array. 
Removes master lexer. 
Tests block rules on the text (Source) for the current tokens array. 
Updates all clients. 
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