EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TLibSyntAnalyzer Class Members
TLoadableComponent Methods
TLoadableComponent Methods 
Loads component resource from file. 
Loads component from resource identified by ResID. 
Loads component from resource identified by ResName. 
Loads component resource from stream. 
Saves component resource to file. 
Saves component resource to stream. 
Allows to avoid name conflict when loading component resource. 
TSyntAnalyzer Class
TSyntAnalyzer Class 
Adds new client. 
Adds new mater lexer. 
Called when properties of TSyntAnalyzer may have been changed. 
Clears all formatting information in all clients. 
Creates and initializes a TSyntAnalyzer instance. 
Displays "Syntax Highlighting" dialog. 
Displays "Syntax Lexer" dialog. 
Destroys an instance of TSyntAnalyzer. 
Tests token rules on the text (Source) at particular position (APos). 
Tests only "tag detector" block rules on the text (Source) for the current tokens array. 
Removes master lexer. 
Tests block rules on the text (Source) for the current tokens array. 
Updates all clients. 
TLibSyntAnalyzer Class
TLibSyntAnalyzer Class 
Creates and initializes a TLibSyntAnalyzer instance. 
Destroys an instance of TLibSyntAnalyzer. 
The methods of the TLoadableComponent class are listed here. 
The properties of the TLoadableComponent class are listed here. 
TSyntAnalyzer Class
The methods of the TSyntAnalyzer class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntAnalyzer class are listed here. 
The events of the TSyntAnalyzer class are listed here. 
TLibSyntAnalyzer Class
The methods of the TLibSyntAnalyzer class are listed here. 
TLoadableComponent Properties
TLoadableComponent Properties 
Specifies last used file name in LoadFromFile and SaveToFile functions. 
TSyntAnalyzer Class
TSyntAnalyzer Class 
Enables background block analysis. 
Collection of block rules. 
Specifies character set which is used for ANSI<->UNICODE conversions and by regular expressions. 
Collection of code templates. 
Specifies style that is used to draw text icon of collapsed range. 
Specifies style that is used to draw text icon of collapsed range. 
Specifies style that is used to draw current line (line with the caret). 
Specifies style that is used to draw current line (line with the caret). 
Specifies style that is used to initialize Canvas. 
Specifies style that is used to initialize Canvas. 
File extensions associated with the Lexer. 
Collection of styles. 
Specifies threshold after which full refresh (when text is changed) of syntactical objects will not be performed. 
Specifies grammar compiler. 
Specifies delay of restarting text analysis after editing. 
Specifies delay of initial text analysis. 
Specifies whether lexer should not be skipped when making lexers menu or files filter. 
Lexer name. 
Specifies string which may be used to comment line. 
Specifies style that is used for rendering selected text. 
Specifies style that is used for rendering selected text. 
Specifies additional description of the syntax analyzer. 
Specifies whether line breaks should be parsed. 
Restarts analysis from line start. 
Specifies sample text. 
Specifies style that is used to mark out search results. 
Specifies style that is used to mark out search results. 
Specifies whether block analysis should be performed in idle after all tokens are defined. 
Specifies whether space characters must be skipped while parsing text. 
Collection of sub-lexer rules. 
Collection of token rules (parser's rules). 
Specifies strings that are associated with the token types. 
TSyntAnalyzer Events
TSyntAnalyzer Class
TSyntAnalyzer Class 
Occurs when properties of TSyntAnalyzer may have been changed. 
Occurs when text range is closed. Use this event to adjust bounds of the text range. 
Allows adjusting bounds of text range which will be used when collapsing this text range. 
Allows adjusting bounds of text range which will be used to locate block staple. 
Allows implement fully custom parsing. In this event you should detect token at specified position and return rule and token length. Parser rule in this case is used only to associate properties with token. 
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