EControl Syntax Editor SDK
ecStrUtils Namespace Functions
Converts ANSI string to UTF-8 string using specified character set. 
Converts ANSI string to UTF-8 string using specified character set. 
Converts ANSI string to Unicode string using specified character set or code page. 
Converts ANSI string to Unicode string using specified character set or code page. 
Converts ANSI string to Unicode string using specified code page. 
Returns text block type located at global memory. 
Changes component reference field with registering free notifications. 
Changes case of the input string. 
Returns code page for specified character set. 
Delete extra spaces and replaces tab and line break characters with single space character. 
Compares two strings. 
Decodes string from INI format where special characters and Unicode characters are stored in as 2 or 4 hex digits. 
Returns a copy of a string in uppercase. 
Decodes string encoded by the ecEncodeString
Encodes arbitrary string (Unicode, multi-line) to single-line ANSI string. 
Converts ANSI character to Unicode character using current keyboard state. In ANSI mode ecKeyChar returns the same character without change. 
Converts character to low case. Supports national characters. 
Converts character to up case. Supports national characters. 
Returns the index value of the first character in a specified substring that occurs in a given string. 
Calculates size of string. 
Draws specified text in Canvas at given position. 
Converts character to up case. Supports national characters. 
Converts character to up case. Supports national characters. 
Encodes string to INI format where special characters and Unicode characters are stored in as 2 or 4 hex digits. 
Searches TextToSearch string in Text starting from position FromPos. 
RTL support routine. 
Returns type of the character. For more details about returned value see GetStringTypeEx API function. 
Returns type of the character. For more details about returned value see GetStringTypeEx API function. 
Returns text block type from clipboard. 
Returns text from clipboard. Selects the best format and converts text to ANSI string using specified character set. 
Returns text from clipboard. Selects the best format and converts text to ANSI string using specified character set. Compares texts in ANSI and Unicode clipboard format and selects text with less invalid characters.
Used for "smart" paste operation in the Syntax Editor. 
Copies data from clipboard to the buffer. 
Copies data from clipboard to the buffer. 
Returns line index of the character at position aPos in multi-line string S. Line index and character position are zero-based. 
Calculates number of lines and fills indexes List. Entry in List is index of first character of corresponding line. 
Reads text format signature and returns it. 
Returns true if character C is Alpha. It may be Latin or national (in Unicode mode) alpha character. 
Returns true if character C is Alpha. It may be Latin or national (in Unicode mode) alpha character. 
Returns true if character C is digit. It may be European or national (in Unicode mode) digit character. 
Returns true if character C is digit. It may be European or national (in Unicode mode) digit character. 
Returns true if character C is hexadecimal digit. 
Returns true if character C is hexadecimal digit. 
Returns true if character C is European digit, Latin alpha character or '_'. 
Returns true if character C is European digit, Latin alpha character or '_'. 
Returns true if character C is European digit. 
Returns true if character C is European digit. 
Returns true if character C is Latin alpha character or '_'. 
Returns true if character C is Latin alpha character or '_'. 
Returns true if character C is line break character. 
Returns true if character C is line break character. 
Returns true if code page uses more than one byte to encode single character. 
Returns true if character C is right-to-left character. 
Returns true if character C is space character including line break characters. 
Returns true if character C is space character including line break characters. 
Returns true if string S is empty. 
Returns true if specified position is at word bound. 
Returns true if specified position is at word bound. 
Returns true if character C is alpha, digit or '_' character, including national characters. 
Returns true if character C is alpha, digit or '_' character, including national characters. 
Reads string from Stream using specifies text coding and character set or code page. 
Replaces all entries of TextToReplace string in Text with the ReplaceWith string. 
Searches string SubStr in Text starting from position FromPos. Backward specifies direction of search, IgnoreCase - specifies how strings will be compared. 
Saves text block type to the clipboard. 
Saves data from buffer to the clipboard format. 
Saves data from buffer to the clipboard format. 
Saves Text to the clipboard. Character set is used to save text in CF_UNICODETEXT format. 
Increases position APos until APos points on not space character.
Space characters include line break characters. 
Increases position APos until APos points on not space character.
Space characters do not include line break characters. 
Returns string saved in global memory identified by the HMem handle. Format (CF_TEXT or CF_UNICODETEXT) specifies type of string. Character set is used for Unicode conversions. 
Tests one character in the string. Return MBCS character type. If character is not a part of MBCS symbol function returns mbSingleByte. 
Tests one character in the string. Return MBCS character type. If character is not a part of MBCS symbol function returns mbSingleByte. 
This function translates based on the specified character set, code page, or font signature value, setting all members of the destination structure to appropriate values. 
Converts Unicode string to ANSI string using specified character set or code page. 
Converts Unicode string to ANSI string using specified character set or code page. 
Converts Unicode string to ANSI string using specified code page. 
Converts UTF-8 string to ANSI string using specified character set. 
Converts UTF-8 string to ANSI string using specified character set. 
Converts UFT-8 string to Unicode string. 
Converts UFT-8 string to Unicode string. 
Converts Unicode string to UTF-8 string. 
Converts Unicode string to UTF-8 string. 
Writes Text to Stream using specified text coding and character set. 
Writes text format signature to Stream. 
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