EControl Syntax Editor SDK
TecEmbeddedObjects Class Members
IecExternalFormatter Methods
IecExternalFormatter Methods 
Says to analyze text up to the position APos. 
Adds entries to list of styles at the CurPos position. 
IecSyntMemoPlugIn2 Interface
IecSyntMemoPlugIn2 Interface 
Called when scrolling position is changed. 
IecSyntClient Interface
IecSyntClient Interface 
Called when syntax analysis is finished. 
Called when styles of syntax analyzer is changed. 
TSyntTextSource Class
TSyntTextSource Class 
Adds client. 
Converts (X, Y) position of the caret to zero-based text position. 
Creates and initializes a TSyntTextSource instance. 
Destroys an instance of TSyntTextSource. 
Called when syntax analysis is finished. 
Called when styles of syntax analyzer is changed. 
Returns length of the line. 
Removes client. 
Returns caret position for the given text position. 
TecEmbeddedObjects Class
TecEmbeddedObjects Class 
Adds embedded object and returns it's position in list. 
This is AddClient, a member of class TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Indicates whether the Windows clipboard contains data that can be pasted by any registered object classes. 
This is CaretPosToStrPos, a member of class TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Moves embedded object to new position in text. 
Clears custom formatting. 
Creates and initializes a TecEmbeddedObjects instance. 
Deletes embedded object at specified index. 
Destroys an instance of TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Formats specified text range with Style
Creates list of embedded objects in specified text range. 
This is GetStyleList, a member of class TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Indicates whether text storage has custom formatting. 
Returns index of specified embedded object in list. 
Inserts control at specified position in text. Control will be displayed only in editor specified by ControlSite property. 
Creates and inserts objects of class TecEmbeddedImageIdx to the specified position in text. 
Creates and inserts objects of class TecEmbeddedImage to the specified position in text. 
This is LineLength, a member of class TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Loads custom formatting. 
Returns index of embedded object at specified position in text. 
Returns caret position of the embedded object at the specified index. 
Creates and fills list of embedded objects at specified line. 
Creates embedded object, pastes its data from clipboard and inserts to the current caret position of the editor. 
Returns index of embedded object at with position less or equal to Pos. 
Applies style to the specified text range. 
Removes embedded object. 
This is RemoveClient, a member of class TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Saves custom formatting. 
This is StrPosToCaretPos, a member of class TecEmbeddedObjects. 
Updates position and visibility of embedded controls. 
The methods of the IecExternalFormatter class are listed here. 
IecSyntMemoPlugIn2 Interface
The methods of the IecSyntMemoPlugIn2 class are listed here. 
IecSyntClient Interface
The methods of the IecSyntClient class are listed here. 
TSyntTextSource Class
The methods of the TSyntTextSource class are listed here. 
The properties of the TSyntTextSource class are listed here. 
TecEmbeddedObjects Class
The methods of the TecEmbeddedObjects class are listed here. 
The properties of the TecEmbeddedObjects class are listed here. 
TSyntTextSource Properties
TSyntTextSource Class
TSyntTextSource Class 
Contains text. 
Determines whether the user can change the text of the all syntax memo controls linked to the text source. 
Associated syntactical analyzer. 
Provides access to syntax objects. 
TecEmbeddedObjects Class
TecEmbeddedObjects Class 
Specifies editor where embedded controls will be placed. This editor must be linked to this text source, i.e. its TextSource property must be set on this text source. 
Indicates number of embedded objects. 
Specifies whether custom formatting is enabled. 
Specifies whether text source contains embedded controls. 
Specifies image list associated with the text source. 
Lists the embedded objects. 
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