EControl Syntax Editor SDK
Brief components reference


Text editor - main library component. Syntax highlighting, text folding .... 
Styles and rules holder, performs syntactical analysis. 
Container of multiple lexers for managing purpose. 
Dialog wrapper component for search operations in TSyntaxMemo (with regular expressions). 
Dialog wrapper component for replace operations. 
Shows structure of text ranges, provide easy navigation through the text. 
Text storage that may be shared by several editors. 
Holder of editor commands and associated keystrokes. 
Export to RTF format. 
Export to HTML format. 
Auto-complete popup list component. 
Code templates popup list component. 
Printer component. 
Printer component for printing forms. 
Print preview control. 
Shares settings between several objects, save to/load from INI/registry. 
Auto replace tool. 
Styles holder. 
Combo box for selecting user style. 
Highlights hyperlinks defined using reg. expressions, executes corresponding shell commands. 
Word lists manager, used by the spell checker to validate word in the text. 
Validates words in text, highlights errors. May be used for custom error detection. 
Automated code parameter hints. 
DB version of syntax editor. 
Saves/restores editor state. 
Component to manage instances of the application. 
Records and plays macros. 
Tool component to handle OLE drops. 
Edit control to enter single key combination. 
Multiple replaces tool. 
Text source with embedded objects and custom formatting support. 
Popup grid control for inserting single character. 
Dialog for search text in tree view control. 
Manages multiple smart tags added to editor. 
Single line syntax edit control. All power of syntax memo in edit control - highlight, extended commands, completion, etc. 
Single line edit control with a button. 
Single line edit control with up/down. It's suited for editing integer, float, date and time values. 
Combo box based on syntax edit and auto-completion popup list. Use highlighting in edit field + formatting of drop-down list. Ability to define multiline combo boxes. 
Special edit control to edit time interval. 
Common syntax edit with arbitrary number of customizable buttons. 
Special descendent of syntax memo for editing TAB separated text files. 
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