EControl Form Designer Pro
TBtnMargins Class

Contains margins and spaces for a button's array in TCustomBtnPanel

TBtnMargins = class(TPersistent);


TBtnMargins is used in the Margins property of TCustomBtnPanel and its descendants (i.e. TPalettePanel). 

It specifies the Left, Top, Right and Bottom margins between buttons and underlaying panel as well as horizontal and vertical spaces between buttons themselves.

This example demonstrates how to set Margins property at run-time

The properties of the TBtnMargins class are listed here. 
TBtnMargins Properties 
Specifies the bottom margin between underlaying panel and the very lower line of buttons 
Specifies the horizontal spaces between the buttons 
Specifies the vertical spaces between the buttons 
Specifies the left margin between underlaying panel and the very left button. 
Specifies the right margin between underlaying panel and the very right button. 
Specifies the top margin between underlaying panel and the very upper line of buttons 
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