EControl Form Designer Pro
TBaseDesigner Properties
TBaseDesigner Properties
TBaseDesigner Properties 
Switches target component between design and run-time modes 
Specifies object for which hint was activated. 
Specifies showing of design hints. 
TzCustomFormDesigner Class
TzCustomFormDesigner Class 
Specifies whether nonvisual components will be displayed in design mode 
Specifies using of align rulers. 
Specifies using of BDS style design environment. 
Controls the text attributes of non-visual components captions. 
Specifies if TzCustomFormDesigner automatically deactivates when Target Form is to be closed. 
Determines generic container for any type of Target components 
Specifies design surface. 
Specifies whether designer has to paint grid over window controls that can accept controls. 
Determines whether dots are drawn on the Target form. 
Determines whether the non-visual component icons has a 3D border or not. 
Specifies whether drag mouse movement should be clipped by parent's client area. 
Provides access to designed form as TCustomForm type. 
Storage of assigned events. 
Specifies grid step, in pixels, along X-axis 
Specifies grid step, in pixels, along Y-axis 
Specifies if user can directly change size and position of controls by mouse. 
Specifies if editing operation are forbidden by default 
Determines whether the user can select more than one control at a time. 
Stores groups information. 
Specifies guidelines options. 
Specifies whether read errors should be ignored when loading using LoadFromFile and LoadFromStream methods. 
Set Read Only mode. 
Specifies whether designer should process events storage. 
Properties of tab order icons. These controls are shown over children control when designer is in "Show Tab Order" mode. 
Sets in-place text editing mode of designer. 
Identifies the pop-up menu associated with the Root control of the Designer. 
Specifies the number of changes that can be undone. 
Specifies which categories of items may be used to form default popup menu. 
Indicates that designer is in Undo loading state, i.e. in reading previously saved form resource. 
Root component for TzCustomFormDesigner. 
Indicates whether the Root or its components are modified
Indicates number of selected components. 
Indicates whether a particular control is selected. 
Selection markers manager. 
Specifies whether non-visual component icons captions are visible. 
Automatically aligns components on the form with the nearest gridline. You cannot place a component "in between" gridlines. 
Specifies object that is edited by the designer. 
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